What our Dalmatinka gave us?

What our Dalmatinka gave us?
Factory and Spinning Mill
10/11/2017 – 10/1/2018
Gallery Sikirica, Sinj

Rosa Futura

from 2/11/2017
Museo Rosa Galisteo
Santa Fe, Argentina

Architecture in Contemporary Art

group exhibition
11/7 – 27/7/ 2017
Museum of Fine Arts Split

Time Lapsus

video, 2017
HD 1080p, no sound, 5’02”



Exhibition reviews

Exhibition texts

Time Lapsus

Published by
Institut for Contemporary Arts, Zagreb, 2015

Bringing up the Future

group exhibition and congress
22/2 – 4/3/ 2017
Gallery SC Zagreb

Shadows of the Future

Published by
Museum of Fine Arts Split, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, 2016