Stolen Future

video, 2014/2015
HD 1080p, stereo sound, 5’23”

Neli Ružić Art Intervention was organisated by The MOTEL TROGIR tim and Slobodne veze / Loose associations
illumination: MediaRent Split

director: Neli Ružić
sound composition:
Ricardo Cortés
camera: Ida Skoko,
Darko Škrobonja
editing: Neli Ružić

Video Stolen Future is the result of my art intervention in December 2014 organized by the Motel Trogir tim and association for contemporary art practice “Loose associations”, i.e. civic campaigns for protection of Trogir motel built in 1965 by prominent architect of the socialistic Yugoslavia, Ivan Vitić. Stolen Future focused the devastated modernistic architecture through the medium of light. In the late nineties, during post socialistic transition, motel was sold twice. There is several owners, the case is in the trial for many years and along with no maintenance it subsequently deteriorates. I have chosen six motel bungalows for which the “Motel Trogir” is well known: in order to draw the attention to the fate of abandoned modernist architecture, but also because I´m interested in process of entropy in relation to the spaces that projecting a different future (utopia of modernism in relation to current state of devastation), and in particular the areas that have been invaded by the nature. The upper floor of each bungalow was lit with a different color light emphasizing their characteristic vents, six identical pavilions unified rhythm and sculptural dimension of Vitić modernist architecture.

The result is a video work that records the passage of time: changing ambient light, from day to dusk and night. Thus, in the video, crude daily images of devastated bungalows are substituted by the contrast of night and lights that combines elements of ceremony and decay.

By illuminating bungalows interior, I wanted to achieve the illusion of presence and ceremony, recalling the element of utopia in the context of entropy and degradation. Almost opposite of the current situation of the devastated area, with this intervention I tried to create an illusion of a possible, an alternative to the absurdity of transition “decay strategies” and fraud. Stolen Future is therefore, a flash of different scenarios; immateriality of light evokes the past futures and alternative presents.